HC Deb 05 August 1845 vol 82 c1450
Mr. B. Osborne

remarked, that on a former occasion the hon. Member for Finsbury had drawn the attention of the Government and the House to certain transactions that had occurred in a certain Union House in the county of Hampshire. He would ask the right hon. Gentleman (Sir J. Graham) whether he had, as he then promised he would do, instituted any inquiry into the accuracy of the statements which had been made?

Sir J. Graham

said, he understood at the time that the Union to which the hon. Member for Finsbury referred was that of Andover, and it was quite true that he undertook that inquiry should be made into the circumstances to which the hon. Gentleman called his attention. In consequence of that promise he had issued a notice to the Poor Law Commissioners on the following morning, requesting them to institute an immediate inquiry. He had not yet received their report, but he hoped to do so before the prorogation; and when he received it, he would lose not a moment in laying it on the Table. He might add, that not only had he directed inquiry to be instituted, but he had asked the question of the Commissioners, whether any information, such as the hon. Member for Finsbury had received, had been communicated to them; and their reply was, that they had never heard of the transactions referred to until they were mentioned by the hon. Member for Finsbury in that House.

The Exchequer Bills (9,024,000l.) Bill was then read a third time and passed.

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