§ NEW MEMBER SWORN. Thomas Austen, Esq. for Kent (Western Division).
§ BILLS. Public.—1a. Banking (Scotland).
§ Reported—Sheriffs (Wales); Calico Print Works.
§ 3o. and passed:—Museums of Art.
§ Private 1o. London, Chatham, and North Kent Railway; South-Eastern Railway (Ashford to Hastings); South-Eastern Railway (Tunbridge to Tunbridge Wells); South-Eastern Railway (Widening and Extension of the London and Greenwich Railway); London and Norwich Direct Railway; North Wales Mineral Railway.
§ 2o. Totnes Markets and Waterworks (No. 2); Grand Junction Railway; Sheffield and Rotherham Railway; Runcorn and Preston Brook Railway and Docks; North Wales Railway.
§ Reported.—Stoke-upon-Trent Market; Barnsley Junction Railway; Huddersfield and Sheffield Junction Railway; Edinburgh Life Assurance Company; Clifton Bridge; Leicester Freemen's Allotments; Hungerford and Lambeth Suspension Foot Bridge; Royal Naval School; Middlesex County Rate; Crediton Small Debts; Lynn; and Ely Railway.
§ 3o. and passed:—Clerkenwell Improvement.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Colonel Acton, Visct. Bernard,; Mr. Boyd, Mr. Cole, and Col. Conolly, from several places, for Encouragement to Schools in connexion with Church Education Society (Ireland).—By several hon. Members, from a great number of places, for better Observance of the Lord's Day.—By several hon. Members from an immense number of places (388 Petitions), against the Grant to Maynooth College.—By Viscount Castlereagh, Sir Robert Peel, and Mr. Rutherford, from several places, in favour of the Grant to Maynooth College.—By Mr. Cavendish, Mr. Fuller, Mr. Morgan, and Col. Paget, from several places, against Union of St. 1370 Asaph and Bangor.—By Mr. Eaton, from a great number of places, for Relief from Agricultural Taxation.—By Mr. Newdegate, from a great number of places, for Repeal of the Malt Duty.—By Mr. Cavendish, Sir J. Lowther, and Visct. Mahon, from several places, for Alteration of Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons Bill.—By Alderman Copeland, Sir E. Filmer, Mr. Hinde, and Mr. Strutt, from several places, for Repeal or Alteration of Insolvent Debtors Act.—By Lord Ashley, Mr. Eaton, Sir E. Filmer, Mr. Hinde, Mr. Patten, and Lord H. Vane, from several places, against Justices' Clerks and Clerks of the Peace Bill.—By Alderman Copeland Sir E. Filmer, Sir P. Egerton, Mr. Henley, Sir C. Lemon, and Mr. Wall, from several places, against Parochial Settlement Bill—By Mr. Aldam, Lord Ashley, and Col. Paget, from several places, for Diminishing the Number of Public Houses.