HC Deb 09 April 1845 vol 79 cc374-5

BILLS. Public. — 1°. Auction Duties Repeal.

. Field Gardens.

Reported. — Infeftment (Scotland); Heritable Securities (Scotland); Mutiny; Marine Mutiny.

. and passed:—Public Museums; Glass (Excise Duty).

Private.—1°. Brighton and Chichester Railway (Portsmouth Extension); Scottish Midland Junction Railway.

. Erewash Valley Railway; Keyingham Drainage; Battersea Poor.

Reported.—Forth and Clyde Navigation (re-committed); Birmingham and Staffordshire Gas (re-committed); Wallasley Improvement (re-committed); Amicable Assurance Society.

PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Viscount Bernard, and Mr. Hamilton, from several places, for Encouragement of Schools in connexion with Church Education Society (Ireland).—By Sir R. H. Inglis, from Peterstow, against, and by Mr. Muntz, from Birmingham, in favour, of the Jewish Disabilities Removal Bill—By Viscounts Bernard, Duncan, and Duncaunon, Lords J. Russell, and G. Somerset, Sirs T. Acland, W. Clay, H. Douglas, and T. Hepburn, Colonel Peel, Captain Gladstone, and Messrs. Aldam, Bagge, W. Baring, Bernal, Bramston, Broadley, Brotherton, Duck, Busfeild, Christie, Christopher, Clifton, Dawnay, O. Duncombe, Du Pre, Entwisle, Fitzroy, Fox, Fuller, M. Gibson, Granger, Greenall, Hamilton, Hindley, Hussey, Legh, Marjoribanks, Morgan, Patten, Plumptre, Ricardo, Rice, Round, Sotheron, Trelawney, Turner, Walker, Ward, and Wortley, from an immense number of places (234 Petitions), against the Grant to Maynooth.—By Col. Ferguson, Mr. Lockhart, and Mr. Mackenzie, from several places, for Ameliorating the Condition of Schoolmasters (Scotland).—By Sir J. Y. Buller, and Mr. Mainwaring, from several places, against the Union of St. Asaph and Bangor.—By Mr. Aldam, Mr. M. Gibson, and Sir G. Strickland, from several places, against the Importation of Hill Coolies into the Colonies.—By Mr. Du Pre, the Earl of March, and Sir W. Jolliffe, from several places, for Relief from Agricultural Taxation.—By Mr. M. Gibson, from Lancaster, for Repeal of Duty on Copper Ore.—By Mr. Bagge, from several places, for Repeal of Malt Duty.—By Mr. Ferrand, from several places, for a Tax on Steam Sawing.—By Mr. Bannerman, from several places, against Alteration of Banking (Scotland).—By Mr. T. Duncombe, Mr. Ferrand, and Lord J. Russell, from several places, in favour of the Ten Hours System.—By Mr. Cowper, from Tottenham, in favour of Field Gardens Bill.—By Sir T. Hepburn, from East Lothian, for Alteration of Game Laws.—By Mr. M. Gibson, from Shrewsbury, for Repeal of Insolvent Debtors Act.—By Sir J. Y. Buller, Mr. Henley, Mr. Patten, and Lord C. Worsley, from several places, against Justices' Clerks and Clerks of the Peace Bill.—By Sir G. Strickland, from Preston, in favour of the Museums of Art Bill.—By Mr. Bagge, Mr. Bramston, Mr. Cripps, Mr. Du Pre, Mr. Ferrand, Mr. Greene, the Earl of March, and Mr. Round, from several places, against the Parochial Settlement Bill.—By Mr. O. Gore, from Sligo, against Physic and Surgery Bill.—By Colonel Ferguson, from Burntisland, for Alteration of Prisons (Scotland) Bill.—By Sir T. Acland, Mr. Brotherton, Mr. Mainwaring, Sir G. Strickland, and Lord H. Vane, from several places, for Diminishing the Number of Public Houses.