§ BILLS. Public.—1°. Dean Forest Encroachment; Indemnity; Land Tax Commissioners Names; Night Poaching Prevention.
§ Reported.—Teachers of Schools (Ireland); 3½ per Cent. Annuities; 3½ per Cent. Annuities (1818); Consolidated Fund (8,000,000l.).
§ Private.—1°. Liverpool Fire Prevention; Manchester Stipendiary Magistrates; Manchester Improvement; Manchester Police; Coventry, Lammas, etc. Lands; South Eastern Railway; Leeds and Selby Railway Purchase (No. 2); Maryport and Carlisle Railway; Chester and Holyhead Railway; Eastern Union Railway.
§ Reported.—Rochdale Gas; Bury Inclosure; Ramsay Inclosure; Lancaster and Carlisle Railway.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. From Pickford & Co., and others, respecting Conveyance of Goods by Railway.—By Lord Sandon, from Ludlow, and 3 other places, against Union of Sees of St. Asaph ant Liangor,—From Samuel 990 Gordon, complaining of Injuries.—From Thomas Callan, for Increase of Grant for Public Works (Ireland).—By Lord Ossulston, from West Real, and 33 other places, against any Alteration in the Corn Laws.—By Lord Worsley, from Dent, and 3 other places, in favour of the Commons Inclosure Bill.—By Sir W. Clay, from Shoreditch, and Fordingbridge Union, against the Poor Law Amendment Bill.—By Mr. Borthwick, Mr. Aldam, and Mr. Hardy, from Bristol, for Reduction of Duty on Articles used for Cooper's Work.—From Tunstall, for Remission of Sentence on Joseph Cappur.—By Lord Mahon, from Hertford, for Repeal of Tax on Coals received into the Port of London.—By Mr. Ainsworth, from Boltonle-Moors, for Repeal of Duties on Raw Cotton.—From Penryn, and Falmouth, for the Suppression of Duelling.—From Glasgow University, against Repeal of Statutes imposing Religious Tests upon Professors.