§ Viscount Howickwished to know, from the right hon. Baronet, what were his intentions with respect to the Irish Registration Bill.
§ Sir R. Peelreplied, that when this Bill had been brought in, it was intended
* Accounts were received in London on July 27, that both the gallant officers who were the subject of Mr. Cochrane's inquiry, were publicly executed at Bokhara, in the month of June, 1842. Subsequent accounts stated, that the enterprising and humane Dr. Woolf, who went to ascertain their fate, or rescue them if living, was detained by the Khan of Bokhara.105 to make it applicable to the then next registration; but in the present state of public business, and seeing that it would not be brought into operation at the time that had been intended, he had no hesitation in saying, that there was no probability of passing it in the present year, He did not propose to make any further progress with it than the second reading.