Mr. Gladstone, in moving the second reading of the Joint-Stock Companies Registration and Regulation Bill, with which was connected the Joint-Stock Companies Remedy -in-Law and Equity Bill, said, that though of great importance, these two measures had not been much discussed in that House; but they had obtained considerable notoriety, and so far as he could judge from communications he had received, and also from what he had observed in the papers, he judged that the principles on which the Bills proceeded met with pretty general, or indeed he might say, universal approval. Their main provisions went to give a statutable position to Joint Stock Companies, sub- 476 jecting them to general inspection, and providing for their constitution and regulation. Now, as the measures involved considerable alterations of the existing law, he hoped Members who intended to propose amendments would give proper notice of them, that they might be duly considered.
§ Both Bills read a second time.