HC Deb 31 July 1844 vol 76 c1574

On the Motion for the third reading of the Consolidated Fund (Appropriation) Bill.

Captain Bernal

said, he wished to call public attention to the fact that the Bills which were now passing were not sanctioned by the House of Commons, as that assembly was merely nominal, and the few Members who assembled merely voted as a sort of registry court for Government purposes. What was the case last night? The hon. Member for Cirencester, though there was a tacit agreement at this period of the Session that. Members of neither side should resort to the practice of counting out, took the opportunity of availing himself of that expedient. He had no fault to find with the hon. Member, as he was probably only labouring in his vocation; but it was a pity that a Gentleman, who was noted for his powers of calculation, should accept so humble an office as a Government counter. Were he disposed to follow such an example, it would be in his power to prolong the Session for some days, and, should he adopt, this course, he must remind the House the hon. Member for Cirencester would be the party to blame.

Sir J. Graham

extremely regretted that the hon. Member should have taken offence at the circumstance which he referred to. So far as he was concerned, it was always his wish to do all in his power to give, hon. Members every opportunity of bringing forward Motions which they had on the paper; but it was extremely difficult to keep a House at that period of the Session.

Mr. Cripps

denied that he was a Government counter. He wished to absolve the Government from all share of responsibility; but with a House of thirty-three Members he bought it would not be right to raise an Irish debate, which would probably be of an angry character.

Bill read a third time and passed.

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