HC Deb 16 July 1844 vol 76 c919
The Chancellor

of the Exchequer brought up the Report of the Commissioners of Revenue Inquiry, and said, that as there was a great deal of criminatory matter contained in the Evidence, he thought it would be better to have the Report printed, and to leave the evidence on the Table accessible to every Member of this House. He moved that the Report be printed.

Mr. T. Duncombe

said, that he did not think it would be considered satisfactory unless the Evidence as well as the Report was printed. They could not judge of the character of the Report unless they had the Evidence also printed upon which that Report was founded. He would suggest that the whole should be printed, and that hon. Members should be made responsible for the circulation of it beyond the precincts of this House. He moved to add the words together with the Minutes of Evidence.

The Chancellor of the Exchequer

said, that he thought every object would be gained by leaving the Evidence on the Table, to be accessible to all the Members of this House. He thought that this would be a much better course than to run the risk, by printing the Evidence, of giving unnecessary pain to certain individuals, who would, no doubt, feel aggrieved by the imputations which were cast upon them.

Motion and Amendment withdrawn. Report laid on the Table.