HC Deb 13 February 1844 vol 72 cc681-3
Mr. Horsman

said, that before his noble Friend rose, he wished to put a question to the right hon. Gentleman opposite. On the motion, however, of the hon. Member for Cambridge, an account was ordered a few nights ago, for returns of regiments of Infantry and Cavalry sent to Ireland, during the period commencing the 1st of September, 1841, and ending the 31st of March, 1843; also returns of regiments of Infantry and Cavalry withdrawn from Ireland during the same period. He observed that this return, was made out in a peculiar manner, by which it would appear that the number of Troops that had been withdrawn from Ireland during the last two years referred to in the return, exceeded considerably the number sent to Ireland during the last year. He thought, that this must he incorrect. He therefore wished to ask the right hon. Gentleman whether this were the case or not, and what explanation he could give on the subject? He wished to know whether the number of Troops withdrawn from Ireland, rank and file, was more numerous than those sent there during the two years referred to in the return. It would appear from this paper, that since the year 1841, eight regiments of Infantry and one of Cavalry had been sent to Ireland, while twelve regiments of Infantry and two of Cavalry had been withdrawn. He wished also to know whether there would be any objection to give a return of the number of Troops quartered in Ireland during the years 1833, 1834, and down to 1840 inclusive. In the next place he wished to know whether there would be any objection to give the returns down to the end of last year.

Sir J. Graham

should have been glad if the hon. Gentleman had given him notice of his intention to put this question, but he would endeavour to give the best answer in his power. With respect to the return to which the hon. Gentleman referred, the reason it had been moved for by his hon. Friend, and produced, was, that the noble Lord, the Member for Plymouth, the son of the late Lord-Lieutenant, had moved for the production of a letter written by his father, while Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland, during the disturbances in England, offering to place at the disposal of the Government a certain number of regiments then in Ireland. He could state, that the object of this return was to show, that until March, 1843, five regiments altogether, more than were sent there, were withdrawn from Ireland for general service in this country. The return in the hands of hon. Members would show, that during the period referred to in it, four regiments of Infantry and one regiment of Cavalry were withdrawn more than were sent there. This was between the 1st of September, 1841, and the 1st of March, 1843. With respect to the latter part of the question of the hon. Member, he had no objection to give the return, but he believed that such a return had already been ordered the present Session, on the motion of the hon. Member for Coventry. The return was for an account of the Number of Rank and File stationed in Ireland from the 1st of January, 1830, to the 1st of January, 1844.

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