§ Sir R. Peelsaid, that in the course of the discussion last night on the Report on the Address to Her Majesty, he had stated, that he had reason to believe, in case the Address should be then agreed to, Her Majesty, in answer to any communication which might be made to her to learn her pleasure as to the reception of the House, would probably name two o'clock this day; and he had given this intimation that hon. Members might have the opportunity of paying their respects to Her Majesty. In consequence of the intimation, the Report of the Address having been agreed to, it was ordered that the Address should be presented by the whole House this day, and Her Majesty would have adhered to the arrangement he had notified; but it was his painful duty to state, that in the course of that morning, intelligence had been received, which, though not direct and conclusive, still there was too much reason to fear was true, of the death of the reigning Duke of Saxe Cobourg-Gotha, the father of his Royal Highness Prince Albert, the Consort of Her Majesty. Under these circumstances, the House could not expect an adherence to the arrangement, and he would, therefore, move, that the order for the presentation of the Address by the whole House be rescinded; and that, under the circumstances of this case, the House should depart from the usual course, and that the Address should be presented by such Members of the House as were Members of Her Majesty's Privy Council.
§ Order discharged, and motion agreed to.
§ House adjourned.