HC Deb 05 August 1844 vol 76 c1781
Captain Pechell

had seen a Report that a Court-Martial had been held upon Lieutenant Gray for having, while in command of the Brig Bonetta, upon the coast of Africa, searched and detained a vessel under French colours, and that that officer had been convicted by the Court-Martial for having so boarded and detained the vessel, he not having had a warrant from the French Government. He wished to ask the hon. Gentleman, the Secretary for the Admiralty, whether that Report were true, and whether the charges had been made by the Admiralty, by the Foreign Office, or by any Foreign Government?

Mr. S. Herbert

stated, that it was perfectly true that this officer had been brought to a Court-Martial for boarding, and subsequently for searching a French vessel, he not being at the time in possession of a warrant from the French Government. The charges had been drawn up by the Admiralty in the usual course of business, and no foreign Government had anything to do with the matter. The principal charge was for disobedience of orders, and the result of the Court-Martial was now before the public.