An Hon. Memberwished to ask a question of some Member of the Board of Admiralty, relative to a circumstance which he had seen described in some of the newspapers. It was stated, that on the conclusion of the trial of Captain Elliot before a courtmartial, by which he was sentenced to be severely reprimanded on his return to his ship, he was received by the crew with such enthusiastic cheering, that the har- 288 bour of Port Royal re-echoed with it. He wished to know whether the Admiralty had received any information on this subject, and also, if it was true, whether it was not considered a most irregular proceeding, and contrary to all discipline.
Captain Gordonreplied, that the Admiralty had received no information on the subject, but if the statement of the hon. Member were correct, no doubt the proceeding was objectionable, and not in accordance with the rules of the service. Still, perhaps, some excuse might be made, as the proceeding no doubt arose from the attachment of the crew to the captain of the ship.