§ Captain Roushaving stated on a former evening, in reply to a charge of jobbing in the Admiralty, that he also knew of a job where an officer, having changed his politics, received promotion, notwithstanding the fact that he had been threatened with a court-martial on a foreign station, begged now to state that he had since received a letter from a very distinguished officer who served upon the same station, informing him that his statement was incorrect, and that the officer alluded to had not been threatened with a court-martial. Thus corrected upon the point, and sensible of the injustice of allowing a misstatement of this nature to remain unexplained, he thought it right to make this public declaration of his error, and to apologise for having fallen into it.
§ Viscount Palmerstonthanked the gallant Officer for the frank and handsome manner in which he admitted his mistake. It could not fail to be highly gratifying to the officer to whom the previous remarks had applied.