HC Deb 21 July 1843 vol 70 c1296

MINUTES.] BILLS. Public.—1° Customs; Episcopal Functions; Marriages (Ireland); Slave Trade Treaties Bills of Exchange; Stock in Trade.

2° Controverted Elections.

Committed.—Municipal Corporations (No. 2).

Reported.—Designs Copyright; Fines and Penalties (Ireland); Court of Exchequer (Ireland).

Private.1° Hambro's Naturalization.

Reported.—Glasgow Police; Anderston Improvement am Police; Burry, etc., Navigation, and Llanelly Harbour (No. 3); Leicester and Peterborough Road; North Esk Reservoir.

3°and passed:——Jackson's Divorce.

PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Lord Worsley, from Lincoln and Mr. C. Villiers, from Wolverhampton, and Honiton in favour of the County Courts Bill—By Mr. B. Wood from an Irish Society, and by Mr. T. Duncombe, from the Peers, against the Limitation of Actions Bill.—By Mr. Miles, from Shepton Mallet, against the Abolition of Church Rates; and from Wrington, for Church Ex tension, and against the Union of the Sees of St. Asaph and Bangor.—By Mr. Beckett and Mr. V. Smith, Ron Leeds, and a number of other places, against the Washington Treaty—From a number of Places for Limiting the Hours of Labour of young persans in Fatories.—From Longford, and Leitrim, in favour of the Irish Arms Bill.