§ MINUTES.) ELECTION PETITIONS.—Of George de la Poer Beresford, against the Election for Athlone Borough.—Of John Whyatt, against the Election for Nottingham Town.
§ BILLS. Public.—1°. Poor-law Amendment (Ireland); Fines and Penalties (Ireland).
§ Reported.—Testimony in the Colonies; Apprehension of Offenders.
§ Private.—2°. Maidstone Railway.
§ Reported.—St. Helen's Waterworks; Neath Harbour; Liverpool Docks; Preston Waterworks; Milne's Free School.
§ 3°and passed:—Norland Estate.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Colonel G. Langton, Sergeant Murphy, Dr. Bowring, the Lord Mayor, Colonel Fox, Lord H. Vane, Sir G. Staunton, Lord J. Russell, Lord Howick, Lord A. Lennox, Sir J. Easthope, Colonel Wood, and Messrs. Busfeild, Bernal, Thorneley, Greene, R. Yorke, Roebuck, T. Duncombe, Smith, S. Crawford, 859 Ewart, Toured, Ord. G. Knight, Cayley, Phillpotts, V. Smith, W. Ellis, E. Buller, G. Cavendish, C Howard, C. Villiers, and B. Wood, from an immense number of places, against the Educational Clauses of the Factory Bill.—By Mr. T. Egerton, from Chester, against the Union of the Sees of St. Asaph and Bangor.— By Mr. Macaulay, from Edinburgh, for Medical Reform.—By Mr. Broadwood, from Bridgewater, against the Bankruptcy Act.—By Sir G. Staunton, and Messrs. C. Villiers, Hastie, Ewart, and Stansfield, from a number of places, for the Total and Immediate Repeal of the Corn-laws.—By Colonel Wood, from Hay, Crickchowell, and Huggate, against the Ecclesiastical Courts Bill.—By Lord John Russell, from Saltash, in favour of the Municipal Corporations Bill.—By Mr. Smith, from Norwich, and Cossey, for the Repeal of the Income-tax.—By T. Duncombe, from Kingston-upon-Hull, and Sutton Ash-Held, for Inquiry into the Trial of William Jones for Sedition.—From Fleet-street, and its neighbourhood, in favour of the Health of Towns Bill.—From the Kinsale Union, for Amending the Irish Poor-law.—From Cork, against the Municipal Corporations (Ireland) Act.