HC Deb 05 April 1843 vol 68 c470
Sir. V. Blake

gave notice that the should move an amendment to the motion of the hon. Member for Bridport for an inquiry into the system of education at Maynooth, to the effect that an inquiry be instituted into the question, whether the indiscriminate perusal of the Bible, as a school book, unaccompanied by any note or comment, was most calculated to conduce to the interests of true religion; or whether it had not produced those inveterate prejudices which had produced so many forms of dissent from the established religion of the country.

Mr. Labouchers

begged to call the attention of the House to the words of this notice of motion. He did not think that it was a decent thing to apply the expression of "inveterate prejudices," to the religious opinions of any class. He had thought the terms of the motion had not been generally heard by the House, and he felt himself bound to refer to them.

Sir. V. Blake

thought, upon consideration, that the language used was certainly rather strong, he would, therefore, adopt the suggestion of the right hon. Gentleman, and withdraw the notice for the present.

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