§ Mr. A. Chapmanwished to put a question to the hon. Gentleman, the Vice-President of the Board of Trade. The operation of a law at present existing to prevent the overloading of timber ships, would terminate and expire on the 1st of May next. What he wanted to know was, whether the Government would under take to renew the bill themselves, or would leave the matter in the hands of hon. Members. He had addressed a letter to the Board of Trade on the subject a fortnight since, but if the right hon. Vice-President was unable to reply to the question at that time, he would moot the matter on a future day.
§ Mr. Gladstonesaid, as he really was 304 unprepared to give a satisfactory reply to the question at present, he would avail himself of the hon. Gentleman's offer, and take another opportunity of answering him.