§ BILLS. Public.—3° Buildings Regulations (No. 2); Boroughs Improvement (No. 2). 3° and passed:—Apprentices Regulation. Private.—1° Drogheda Harbour.
§ 2° Mitford's Divorce; Stanhope and Tyne Railroad.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Mr. Williams, from Coventry, Mr. W. Ellis, from Bethnall Green, Mr. Wallace, from Renfrew, Sir G. Strickland, from Bath, and a number of other hon. Members, from several places, for the Repeal of the Corn-laws.—By Captain Taylor, from Meath, and Mr. Trench, from Roscommon, for Protection on Oats.—By Lord Duncan, from Covent Garden, St. Ann's, Westminster, and St. Mary's, Kensington, for the Redemption of the Tolls on the Metropolitan Bridges.—By Mr. S. Crawford, Dr, Stock, and Mr. E. Tennent, from Congregations of Dissenters (Ireland), to Legalize certain Marriages by Dissenters.—By Mr. Wallace, from Paisley, for means of Emigrating to Canada.—By Sir C. Napier, from Mr. Houghton, for certain Improvements in her Majesty's Navy.—From Almeley, for Amendment of Poor-law Act.—From Peebles, for Settlement of Scotch Church.—From Glenavy, relating to Education in Ireland.