HC Deb 29 June 1842 vol 64 c780

The Sudbury Disfranchisement Bill was read a third time.

Mr. Blackstone

pursuant to notice moved the following clauses:—In line 14, after the words "passing of this act," Be held and considered as comprising within its limits the hundred of Babergh, in the county of Suffolk, and the hamlet of Balling-don-cum-Brundon, in the county of Essex, and that the right of voting for any burgesss or burgesses to serve in Parliament for the said borough of Sudbury be hereafter vested in those persons residing within the said hundred of Babergh, and the said hamlet of Balling-don-cum-Brundon, having the qualification required as electors for cities and boroughs under the act 2nd William 4th, c, 45." "And be it further enacted, that from and after the passing of this act, the following persons, whose names are hereinafter inserted, be disqualified from voting at all future elections for the borough of Sudbury, viz., John Francis Sykes Gorday, William Warner, Thomas Goody, James Bell Johnson, Francis Making, James Brown, Thomas Brown, Charles King, Richard Steed, William Jollady, Samuel Shelley, and Joseph Wheeler, jun. The hon. Member in support of his motion contrasted the cases of Stafford and of East Retford with that of Sudbury, and contended that a sufficiently strong case against the latter borough had not been made out.

House counted out.
