§ NEW MEMBER. M. Corbally, Esq., for Meath County.
§ BILLS. Public.—1° Military Savings Banks; Turnpike Acts Continuance; South Australia; Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction; Chelsea Hospital; Militia Ballots.
§ 2°Slave Trade Treaties Continuance; Fisheries Treaty.
§ Committed.—Grand Jury Presentments (Ireland).
§ Reported.—London Bridge Approaches Fund.
§ 3° and passed:—Perth Prison; Charitable Pawn Offices (Ireland); Districts Courts and Prisons; Primrose Hill. Private.—1° Calland's Estate; Lord Lorton's Estate; Cauvin's Estate; Pilkington's Estate.
§ 3° and passed:— Manner's Estate; Brewood School Estate.
§ PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Mr. Roebuck, from Devizes, 1096 for preventing Bribery, and Extending the Franchise.—. From Samuel Sims, for the Adoption of the Vote by Ballot.—From C. Brooker, for Inquiry into Bribery at Brighton.—From R. Torrens, Esq., for Inquiry into the affairs of South Australia—By Mr. T. Duncombe, from Easingwold Union, against the Poor-law Amedment Bill. —From D. A. de Gajewski, to be Replaced on the Polish Refugee Pension List.—By Mr. Hume, from Thomas Bradfield, to take the Conservancy of the Thames from the Corporation of London, and place it in the hands of Parliamentary Commissioners; and from a Meeting at Cheltenham for Inquiry into the Treatment of Jacob Holyoate, punished for Blasphemy.—From Samuel Gordon, for the Restoration of Documents taken away by the Court of Chancery (Ireland).—From the Port of London, for an Alteration of the Law relative to the Merchant Seamen's Fund for Kilkenny, for a Provision in the Fisheries (Ireland) Bill, against the Use of Scotch Weirs, —By Mr. Grimsditch, from Bolton, against the Manchester, Birmingham, and Bolton Police Bill.