HC Deb 06 July 1842 vol 64 c1013

On the Order of the Day for the adjourned debate on the subject of the report of the secret committee, and on the question that Mr. A. B. Cochrane, a Member of that House, be directed to attend and give evidence before the committee,

Mr. Roebuck

said, that, seeing the hon. Member for Bridport in his place, he might state, that after what he understood had passed yesterday, he should consider it unnecessary to press this motion unless the hon. Member did not adhere to his announced intention of attending and giving evidence.

Mr. Cochrane

said, that having looked at the precedents, and finding that they tended against the view he had originally taken, and being anxious not to detain the House unnecessarily, he had no objection to repeat that he intended to attend the committee.

Motion withdrawn.