HC Deb 11 February 1842 vol 60 c301
Mr. Mark Philips

said, that when he had yesterday given notice of his intention to move for a copy of the letter from Mr. Amory to Lord Palmerston, dated August 28, 1841, together with its accompanying papers, and of the correspondence which followed thereon between Lord Aberdeen, Lord Canning, Mr. Amory, and Mr. Kinder, he was not aware of the absence of the noble Lord to whom the motion referred; and as he was the last person who would wish to take any unfair advantage, it appeared to him that it would be better, and more consistent with propriety, if he did not now press for the production of those papers. He hoped the House would allow him to state, in justification of his conduct, the reason which had induced him to bring forward the motion. He had seen in the "Circular to Bankers" (a paper most widely circulated) certain statements calculated, as he thought, to prejudice Mr. Kinder. That gentleman was a friend of his late colleague, and, in company with his colleague, he had last year waited on the Secretary for Foreign Affairs, to lay a statement of the case before him, because he thought that Mr. Kinder had received treatment in Mexico of which he had a right to complain. As he conceived this gentleman to be suffering under the loss of property, and as statements calculated to injure him in the public estimation were made, he had thought it right to call for the production of these papers. He would now withdraw his motion, and he begged to assure the friends of the noble Lord, that he would not renew it without giving them ample notice of his intention.

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