HC Deb 11 February 1842 vol 60 c297
Mr. W. S. O'Brien

begged to ask the noble Lord, the Secretary for Ireland, whether there were any intention on the part of her Majesty's Government, to bring forward any measure with reference to the Grand Jury Laws in Ireland.

Lord Eliot

would have been glad if the hon. Member had given him notice of his intention to put this question to him, as he could not but think, that upon all such subjects of inquiry it was highly desirable that notice should be given. A commission, the hon. Member was aware, had been sitting upon the subject of the Grand Jury Laws in Ireland, and he believed that they had agreed upon their report, though it was not yet drawn up, or placed in his hands. He did not imagine that there would be any difficulty in laying it on the Table of the House when it was completed; but any measure to be proposed by the Government must in a great degree depend on the recommendations to be made in the report.

Mr. Young

, a member of the Commission said, that the greater portion of the recommendations to be made by the commissioners had been agreed upon, but all the final details had not yet been adopted. He thought, that the report might be laid before the House at the end of about a fortnight.