HC Deb 25 April 1842 vol 62 cc1054-5

NEW MEMBER.—Joseph Hume, Esq., for Montrose Burghs.

BILLS. Public. —1° Salmon Fisheries (Scotland, No. 2). 2° Punishment of Death (Ireland); Civil Bill Decries (Ireland); Turnpike Roads (Ireland).

Reported.—Timber Ships.

Private.— 1°. Lough Foyle Drainage.

. Dundalk and Bainbridge Road; Thames Haven and Dock Railway; Warkworth Harbour; Liverpool Health of the Town and Buildings' Regulation; Beneoke's Naturalization.

Reported.—Great Torrington Market; Bolton and West-houghton Road; Bolton and Preston Railway; Glasgow and Redburn Bridge Road; Greenock Harbour.

. and passed:—Cottenham, etc. Drainage.

PETITIONS PRESENTED. By Mr. Mackinnon, from Belgian Merchants, and British subjects resident in Ostend, for a better system of International Communication.—By Mr. Hastie, Mr. T. Duncombe, Mr. Hume, Mr. Forster, and Mr. Villiers, from Droitwich, Arbroath, Berwick-upon-Tweed, Rickmansworth, and other places, against the Income tax.—By Mr. Villiers, boa Manchester, for the Repeal of the Corn-laws.—By Mr. M'Kenzie, from Peebles, against the Importation of Foreign Cattle.—By Mr. Hastie, from Paisley, in favour of the Tariff.—By Mr. G. Palmer, and an hon. Member, from Chelmsford, Wexford, Margate, Stringfield, Writtle, and Warrington, against the proposed Alteration of the Duty on Leather. By Mr. Sheil, from Dungarvon, for Protection to the Irish Fisheries.—From J. Barton, recommending the Imposition of a Duty on Flour.—By Mr. O'Connell, from Killasnet, and Halifax, for a Repeal of the Union.—By an hon. Member, from Doncaster, and Barnsley, for a Repeal of the Duty on Attorney's Certificates.—By an hon. Member, from the Island of Fowlness, against the Alteration of Duty on Mustard, Caraway, and Corrian-der Seeds.—By Mr. J. Stuart, from Waterford, against certain Clauses of the Fisheries (Ireland) Bill.—From Sydenham, and Runcorn, for a Better Observance of the Sabbath.—From the Moderator and Clerk of Dumfries Synod, for Abolition of Church Patronage.—From St. Munchin's, Limerick, for Universal Suffrage.—From Gravesend, and Milton, against the Boroughs' Improvement (No. 2) Bill.—From Shankhill, against the present system of Education (Ireland).