HC Deb 14 April 1842 vol 62 cc497-8

Upon the motion, that the House resolve itself into a committee upon this bill.

Lord Stanley

said, that he took the liberty, inasmuch as there appeared to be only one question upon which any great difference of opinion was likely to arise, of asking the hon. Member for Lambeth, who had given a notice upon this subject, whether he would allow this bill to pass proformâ through a committee, and postpone the discussion that must arise upon his motion to the bringing up of the report. This course he was most anxious to have followed, as it would greatly facilitate the business of the House.

Mr. Hawes

expressed his willingness to accede to the proposition of the noble Lord.

Mr. Borthwick

said, he had also given a notice of motion upon the subject, and he was equally willing to meet the noble Lord's wishes.

Bill then went into committee proformâ.

Lord Stanley

said, he wished it to be generally known that the bounty on emigration to New South Wales was for the present suspended, partly because the last accounts contained representations that emigration had been over-done this year. A certain number of persons might yearly be absorbed into the population of the colony, but no less than 25,000 persons bad emigrated this year, and the result was, that even of those who had already emigrated there might be considerable difficulty in some of them finding employment.

The House resumed.

Report to be received.