HC Deb 08 September 1841 vol 59 cc503-4
Mr. Speaker

informed the House, that he had received the following letter from Daniel O'Connell, esq., returned for the counties of Cork and Meath, making his election for the county of Cork:— Merrion Square, Dublin, 4th Sept. 1841. SIR—Having been returned to serve in the present Parliament for the county of Meath as well as the county of Cork, I beg leave to state to you, for the information of the House of Commons, that it is my intention to elect, and I do elect, to sit for the county of Cork. Should any other act be necessary, on my part, to carry this intention into effect, so that a new writ may issue at the earliest possible period for the county of Meath, I am ready to do that act so soon as I am apprised of the nature of it. I have the honour respectfully to request, that you will be pleased to communicate my election to serve for the county of Cork in the present Parliament, so soon as the rules of the House will permit that communication to be made, in order to allow a new writ to issue for the County of Meath. I have the honour to be, Sir, Your obedient, humble Servant, DANIEL O'CONNELL. To the Speaker, &c., &c. &c."

Whereupon, Mr. Speaker stated, that since the date of Mr. O'Connell's letter, a petition complaining of his election and return for the county of Cork, had been presented to the House, and that the hon. Member was consequently prevented from making his election.

Order [24th August] read, as followeth:— Ordered—That all Members who are returned for two or more places in any part of the United Kingdom, do make their election for which of the places they will serve, within one week from and after the expiration of the fourteen days before limited for presenting petitions, provided there be no question upon the return for that place; and if anything shall come in question touching the return or election of any Member, he is to withdraw during the time the matter is in debate: and that all Members returned upon double returns do withdraw, till their returns are determined.

Subject at an end.

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