§ NEW MEMBER.— Mr. H. Lindsey, for Sandwich.
§ Bills. Read a first time:—Victoria Park.—Read a second time:—Court Houses (Ireland).—Read a third time:— Excise Collection and Management.
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. Brotherton, Mr. Lister, Mr. James, Mr. Baines, Sir C. Style, Mr. Clay, Mr. W. Turner, and other hon. Members, from Worsley, Bradford, Cumberland, Leeds, Scarborough, Norwich, Manchester, Lancashire, and many other places, for a Repeal of the Corn-laws By Sir J. Y. Buller, Sir T. Acland, Mr. R. Clive, Mr. Miles, and other hon. Members, from Devon, Yeovil, and various other places, for Church Extension. —By Mr. Ainsworth, from the Proprietors of Vauxhall and Waterloo Bridges, for the House to take measures for Opening those Bridges to the Public.—By Mr. T. Duncombe, from Leicester, for the Liberation of Mr. O'Connor.—By Mr. Muntz, from the Congregation of Ebenezer Chapel, Birmingham, against Church Rates, and against any grant of Public Money for the Extension of the Church Establishment—By Sir C. Burrell, Mr. Wadding-ton, and Mr. Henniker, from various places in Sussex, Suffolk, and Surrey, against the Repeal of the Corn-laws. —By Mr. Ellice, Mr. Wood, Mr. Ward, Mr. Thornely, and other hon. Members, from Carlisle, Kendal, Sheffield, Leeds, Liverpool, Bodmin, and other places, in favour of the Government measure for the Alteration of the Tariff.