§ Bills. Read a third time:—Criminal Justice; Turnpike Roads and Highways.
§ Petitions presented. By the Attorney-general, Sir George Strickland, Mr. Easthope, Mr. Wilbraham, Mr. Grote, Mr. G. Wood, Mr. E. Buller, and other hon. Members, from Edinburgh, Blackfriars, Westbury, Southwark, Kendal, Manchester, Chester, and many other places, for a Repeal of the Corn-laws.—By Mr. G. Palmer, Mr. Blackburn, Mr. Fellowes, and others, from Parishes in Essex, from Lancaster, and other places, for the Corn-laws.—By Mr. Brotherton, Mr. Thornely, Mr. Chalmers, Viscount Sandon, and others, from Wolverhampton, Hilton, Liverpool, and other places, for a Reduction of the Sugar Duties.—By Mr. O'Connell, from Dublin, deprecating the change in the Timber Duties.—By Mr. Grimsditch, from Macclesfield, for Church Extension.—" By Mr. Milnes, from Coventy, for the Continuance of the Gilbert Act.—By Mr. Thomely, from a Baptist Congregation in Staffordshire, for the Abolition of Church Rates, and the Release of Win. Baines.