§ On the motion, that the House resolve itself into Committee on the Drainage of Lands Bill,
§ Mr. Craven Berkeleysaid, that unless he saw some alteration made in the bill, he would move the amendment of which he had given notice, on the first opportunity.
§ Mr. Humewished to know whether there was any clause in the bill, providing that regular accounts be furnished of the income and expenditure under the bill. He thought, that a clause ought to be introduced into the bill similar to the one in the Public Roads Bill, for the purpose of letting it be known what amount of money was received, and how that money was expended.
§ Mr. Handleyonly wished to have the bill committed pro formâ, to introduce 590 some alterations, in order to make them known.
§ Bill then passed through Committee, pro formâ
§ Adjourned.