§ Bills. Read a first time:—Putative Fathers.—Read a second time:—Double Costs, &c. Evidence.—Read a third time:—Turnpike Acts Continuance.
§ Petitions presented. By Viscount Sandon, Mr. Barnard, Colonel Rushbrooke, and others, from Kingsgrove, Deptford, Suffolk, Carmarthen, and other places, against the New Poor-law Amendment Act.—By Viscount Sandon, Mr. Hutchins, Mr. Hodges, the Chancellor of the Exchequer, and the Attorney General, from Liverpool, Shropshire, Kent, Edinburgh, and other places, in favour of the Jews Declaration Bill.—By Viscount Sandon, from the Liverpool Chamber of Commerce, for an Alteration in the Import Duties.—By Mr. Plumptre, from the Deaneries of Kent, and Sussex, for the Repeal of the Roman Catholic Relief Bill, and for the Equalisation of Tithes.—By Sir De Lacy Evans, from Freeholders, Leaseholders, and Householders, in the neighbourhood of Buckingham Palace, for an Improvement in the Sewers.—By Mr. Shaw, from Stafford, against any further Grant to Maynooth.—By Mr. T. Duncombe, from the Operatives of Manchester, for the Release of Mr. Feargus O'Connor; from Barnsley, in Yorkshire, and other places, for the Release of Frost, Jones, and Williams.—By Mr. Baines, from places in Yorkshire, for the Abolition of Church-rates.—By Mr. Easthope, from Protestant Dissenters of Chelmsford, and several other places, for the Total Abolition of Church Rates, and the Release of Mr. Baines from Gaol.—By Mr. Wakley, from Archdeacon Bathurst, of Norwich, against Tithes being charged as at present to Poor Rate from Leicester, that the People's Charter might be made the Law of the Land; and from various places, against the Poor-law.—By Mr. Hume, from Manchester, for an Extension of the Suffrage; and from a Society at Mary-le-bone, calling itself the National Charter Association, for the Release of Frost, Williams, and Jones.—By Lord Eliot, from Liskeard, to exempt Workhouses from Payment of Rates—By Mr. Thornely, from Liverpool, for a Reduction in the Duties on Coffee and Sugar.—By Colonel Perceval, from Sligo, in favour of Lord Stanley's Registration Bill.—By Sir Robert Peel, against the County Constabulary Bill; from Kensington, and Knightsbridge, for a Reduction of Tolls on Bridges over the Thames; and from the Attorneys of Bradford, in Yorkshire, that the exclusive right of commencing Suits might be reserved to Attorneys.—By Mr. O'Connell, from places in Donegal, Kerry, and Tyrone, in Ireland, also a petition from Warrington, in Lancashire, in favour of Lord Morpeth's Bill from the Carpenters of Dublin, in, favour of a Repeal of the Legislative Union between Great Britain and Ireland; and from the Farmers and Landholders of Ballymore Eustace, to the same effects—By Mr. Colquhoun, from Glasgow, for Improvement in the Registration of Births and Marriages, and against the Grant to the College of Maynooth.—By Mr. Antrobus, from Surrey, for Church Extension.—By Captain Jones, Mr. fox Maule, and Mr. Elliot, from Done- 84 gal, Perth, Ayr, Shropshire, and other places, against Intrusion and Lay Patronage in the Church of Scotland.