HC Deb 22 June 1841 vol 58 c1598

i. AN Act to settle an Annuity on Lord Keane, and the Two next surviving Heirs Male of the Body of the said Lord Keane to whom the Title of Lord Keane shall descend, in consideration of his great and Brilliant Services.

ii. An Act for punishing Mutiny and Desertion, and for the better payment of the Army and their Quarters.

iii. An Act for the Regulation of Her Majesty's Royal Marine Force while on shore.

iv. An Act to apply the Sum of Eight Millions out of the Consolidated Fund to the Service of the Year One thousand eight hundred and forty-one.

v. An Act to facilitate the Recovery of Arrears of Tithe Compositions in Ireland, vested in Her Majesty under the Provisions of an Act of the First and Second Years of Her present Majesty, for abolishing Compositions for Tithes in Ireland, and for substituting Rent-charges in lieu thereof.

vi. An Act to continue, until the Fourth Day of August One thousand eight hundred and forty-two, and to the End of the next Session of Parliament, the several Acts for regulating Turnpike Roads in Ireland which will expire at or before the End of the present Session of Parliament, or at or before the end of the Session of Parliament next after the Fourth Day of August One thousand eight hundred and forty-one and to amend the Acts for regulating Turnpike Roads in Ireland.

vii. An Act to amend the Acts of the last Session for taking Account of the Population.

viii. An Act to reduce the Duty on Rum and Rum Shrub the Produce of and imported from certain British Possessions in the East Indies into the United Kingdom.

ix. An Act for removing Doubts as to the continuance of certain Local Turnpike Acts.

x. An Act for extending to the County of the City of Dublin the Provisions of an Act passed in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Years of His late Majesty King George the Third, in Ireland, intituled An Act to prevent the detestable Practices of houghing Cattle, burning of Houses, Barns, Haggards, and Corn, and for other Purposes so far as relates to burning of Houses.

xi. An Act to indemnify such Persons in the United Kingdom as have omitted to qualify themselves for Offices and Employments, and to extend the Time limited for those Purposes respectively until the Twenty-fifth Day of March One thousand eight hundred and forty-two; and for the Relief of Clerks to Attornies and Solicitors in certain Cases.

xii. An Act to enable Her Majesty's Commissioners of Woods to make a new Street from Coventry Street, Piccadilly, to Long Acre, and for other Improvements in the Metropolis.

xiii. An Act to authorize the Advance of a Sum of Money out of the Consolidated Fund on account of the Colony of South Australia.

xiv. An Act to make good certain Contracts which have been or may be entered into by certain Banking and other Co-partnerships.

xv. An Act for the Erection at Edinburgh of a Monument to the late Sir Walter Scott.

xvi. An Act to enable the Commissioners of Wide Streets to sell, and Her Majesty to purchase, certain Hereditaments in the City of Dublin on the North Bank of the River Anna Liffey.

xvii. An Act to abolish Arrest in personal Actions commenced by Process of Subpœna at the Law Side of the Court of Exchequer in Ireland.

xviii. An Act to make further Provision for facilitating and completing the Distribution and Payment of Compensation for Slaves upon the Abolition of Slavery.

xix. An Act for raising the Sum of Eleven Millions by Exchequer Bills, for the Service of the Year One thousand eight hundred and forty-one.

xx. An Act to alter and amend certain Laws relating to the Collection and Management of the Duties of Excise.

xxi. An Act for rendering a Release as effectual for the Conveyance of Freehold Estates as a Lease and Release by the same Parties.

xxii. An Act to remove Doubts as to the Liability of Lords and Peers of Parliament to Punishment in certain cases of Felony.

xxiii. An Act to suspend until the Thirty-first Day of August One thousand eight hundred and forty-two the making of Lists and the Ballots and Enrolments for the Militia of the United Kingdom.

xxiv. An Act to amend an Act to grant certain Powers to Heirs of Entail in Scotland, and to authorize the Sale of Entailed Lands for the Payment of certain Debts affecting the same.

xxv. An Act to amend and continue for One Year, and to the End of the then next Session of Parliament, the several Acts relating to the Importation and keeping of Arms and Gunpowder in Ireland.

xxvi. An Act to continue Compositions for Assessed Taxes until the Fifth Day of April One Thousand Eight hundred and forty-three.

xxvii. An Act to enable Her Majesty's Commissioners of Woods to complete the Contract for the Sale of York House, and to purchase certain Lands for a Royal Park.

xxviii. An Act to prevent Plaintiffs in certain frivolous Actions from obtaining their full costs of Suit.

xxix. An Act for granting to Her Majesty, until the Fifth Day of July One thousand eight hundred and forty-two, certain Duties on Sugar imported into the United Kingdom, for the Service of the Year One thousand eight hundred and forty-one.

xxx. An Act to authorize and facilitate the completion of a Survey of Great Britain, Berwick upon Tweed and the Isle of Man.

xxxi. An Act to provide for the Surrender of Premises formerly used for Court Houses, but no longer used for that Purpose, in Ireland.

xxxii. An Act to amend an Act to extend the Practice of Vaccination.

xxxiii. An Act to amend the Acts for Regulating Turnpike Roads in England, so far as they relate to certain Exemptions from Toll.

xxxiv. An Act to explain and amend an Act of the Fifth Year of King George the Fourth, for repealing certain Duties on Law Proceedings in the Courts in Great Britain and Ireland respectively, and for better protecting the Duties payable upon stamped Vellum, Parchment, or Paper.

xxxv. An Act for the Commutation of certain Manorial Rights in respect of Lands of Copyhold and Customary Tenure, and in respect of other Lands subject to such Rights, and for facilitating the Enfranchisement of such Lands, and for the Improvement of such Tenure.

xxxvi. An Act to amend an Act of the Fifth and Sixth Years of King William the Fourth, "for the more easy Recovery of Tithes;" and to take away the Jurisdiction from the Ecclesiastical Courts in all Matters relating to Tithes of a certain Amount.

xxxvii. An Act for the more easy Recovery of Arrears of Compositions for Tithes from Persons of the Persuasion of the People called Quakers, in Ireland.

xxxviii. An Act to afford further Facilities for the Conveyance and Endowment of Sites for Schools.

xxxix. An Act to explain and amend Two several Acts relating to the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England.

xl. An Act to empower the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Woods to raise Money for certain Improvements in the Metropolis on the Security of the Land Revenues of the Crown within the County of Middlesex and City of London.

xli. An Act to provide for the Payment of Debts, Charges, und Incumbrances affecting Houses of Industry and Workhouses, and of Advances made, conformable with previous Usage, for the lawful Purposes of such Houses of Industry and Workhouses, in certain Cases, in Ireland.

xlii. An Act to remove Doubts as to the Division of the Parish of Winterbourne in the County of Gloucester into Two Parishes.

xliii. An Act to continue until the Thirty-first Day of December One thousand eight hundred and forty-two, and until the End of the then next Session of Parliament, an Act of the Tenth Year of King George the Fourth, for providing for the Government of His Majesty's Settlements in Western Australia on the Western Coast of New Holland.

xliv. An Act to continue until the Thirty-first Day of December One thousand eight hundred and forty-two, and from thence until the End of the next ensuing Session of Parliament, certain Acts for providing for the Administration of Justice in New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land, and for the more effectual Government thereof.

xlv. An Act to Amend an Act passed in the Third and Fourth Years of the Reign of His late Majesty King William the Fourth, intituled An Act to amend the Laws relating to Sewers.

xlvi. An Act to empower the Commissioners for the Issue of Exchequer Bills for public Works to complete the Works authorized to be made by an Act of the Sixth and Seventh Years of His late Majesty King William the Fourth for improving the Navigation and Harbour of Tralee in the County of Kerry; and to extend the Time for that Purpose.

xlvii. An Act to amend an Act of the last Session, for continuing and amending the Laws for the Relief of Insolvent Debtors in Ireland.

xlviii. An Act to render certain Municipal Corporations rateable to the Relief of the Poor in certain Cases.

xlix. An Act to provide for repairing, improving, and rebuilding County Bridges.

l. An Act to make further Provision relative to the Returns to be made by Banks of the Amount of their Notes in Circulation.

li. An Act to Amend an Act of the Third Year of King George the Fourth, for regulating Turnpike Roads in England, and also an Act of the Filth and Sixth Years of King William the Fourth, for Consolidating the Laws relating to Highways in England.

lii. An Act to amend an Act of the Fourth Year of Her present Majesty, intituled An Act for facilitating the Administration of Justice in the Court of Chancery.

liii. An Act to apply certain Sums of Money to the Service of the Year One thousand eight hundred and forty-one, and to appropriate the Supplies granted in this Session of Parliament.

liv. An Act to continue until the First Day of January One thousand eight hundred and forty-four an Act of the last Session of Parliament, for continuing an Act for amending and extending the Provisions of an Act of the First Year of Her present Majesty, for exempting certain Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes from the Operation of the Laws relating to Usury.

lv. An Act further to continue, until the First Day of April One thousand eight hundred and forty-two, an Act of the Third and Fourth Year of the Reign of Her present Majesty, intituled An Act to amend the Laws relating to Loan Societies.

lvi. An Act for taking away the Punishment of Death in certain Cases, and substituting other Punishments in lieu thereof.

lvii. An Act for the Prevention of Bribery at Elections.

lviii. An Act to amend the Law for the Trial of controverted Elections.

lix. An Act to authorize for One Year, and until the End of the then next Session of Parliament, the Application of a Portion of the Highway Rates to Turnpike Roads, in certain Cases.

lx. An Act to alter and amend certain Acts regulating Madhouses in Scotland, and to provide for the Custody of dangerous Lunatics.

lxi. An Act to defray the Charge of the Pay, Clothing, and contingent and other Expences of the Disembodied Militia in Great Britain, and Ireland, and to grant Allowances in certain Cases to Subaltern Officers, Adjutants, Paymasters, Quartermasters, Surgeons, Assistant Surgeons, Surgeons Mates, and Serjeant Majors of the Militia, until the First Day of July One thousand eight handred and forty-two.