§ On the question that the report of the Highway Rates Bill be brought up,
§ Captain Pechellopposed the motion. He objected to the bill on principle. It went to give the justices a power to appropriate highway rates to private property. He felt persuaded, that the House was not aware of the great power it gave to the county magistrates. He should, therefore, move, that the report on the bill be brought up that day three months.
§ Mr. Goringsaid, that the bill, instead of injuring the public, was calculated, in a very great degree, to guard against expense being incurred by parishes, inasmuch as by its operation the roads were prevented being in such a situation as that an indictment would lie. It was, he thought, of material importance, that the bill should be continued.
§ Sir C. Burrell,said the bill was approved of by the Government—and it was in the opinion of many persons absolutely necessary, to enable the trustees of roads to maintain them. It was no violation of principle, for under the old law, statute labour had been applied to the repair of turnpike roads.
§ Lord Eliotsuggested, that as there were not then Members enough to make a House, the hon. Member should not press his amendment to a division, as it would delay the progress of other bills to which no objections existed.
§ Captain Pechellwould not object to the adjournment of the debate, but would not withdraw his opposition to the bill.
§ Amendment withdrawn, and debate adjourned; House adjourned.