§ Captain Polhillwished to ask the noble Lord, the Secretary for the Colonies, if he was aware of a letter addressed to "B. M. Rae, Esq.," and dated from "Buckingham Palace, January the 20th, 1841," and signed "G. E. Anson," returning thanks, on the part of Prince Albert, to the "Loyal Repeal Association of Ireland," for their address of congratulation on the birth of the Princess Royal. He wished to ask the noble Lord whether he was aware of such a letter having been written?
§ Lord John Russellsaid, he was not aware of such a letter having been written. He had never heard of it until it was mentioned by the hon. Gentleman.
§ Captain Polhillthen gave notice that he would repeat the question on Tuesday next, when he hoped the noble Lord would be prepared to say whether the letter was genuine or not.
§ Lord J. Russellsaid, that if the hon. Gentleman gave notice of any question as to any act done by the advice of her Majesty's Ministers, he would be prepared to reply. But he could not undertake to be so prepared in reference to any act done by Prince Albert.
§ Subject dropped.