§ Bills. Read a second time:—Sewers.—Read a third time:—Banking Copartnerships.
§ Petitions presented. By Colonel Conolly, and Mr. Sergeant Jackson, from Donegal, and Limerick, for Lord Stanley's Irish Registration Bill.—By Mr. Tancred, Mr. Easthope, Mr. A. Yates, Mr. Muntz, and several others, from Lei- 1153 cestershire, Nottingham, Essex, Birmingham, and various other places, against Church Rates.—By Mr. O'Connor, from Roscommon, for the Parliamentary Voters (Ireland) Bill, and against the Parliamentary Registration (Ireland) Bill.—By Lord Eliot, from Falmouth, against the Removal of the Packet Station.—By Mr. T. Duncombe, from Mr. H. Vincent, for Annual Parliaments, Universal Suffrage, and Vote by Ballot.—By Sir R. Inglis, Mr. Barneby, Mr. C. Hamilton, and others, from Worcestershire, Boorstall, Chartley, Bucks, and other places, for Church Extension.—By Sir R. Bateson, and Colonel Conolly, from Londonderry, and Donegal, against Patronage in the Church of Scotland.