§ Lord Palmerston moved that the House at its rising do adjourn until Tuesday, the 20th inst.
936§ Mr. Humethought that motion would come better at the close of the proceedings, because Ministers were in the practice of walking out as soon as certain business was over, and thus other Members might be prevented from bringing on their motions. He spoke feelingly for he had a motion on the paper which he was most anxious to make.
§ Viscount Palmerstoncould only speak for himself, and he intended to remain quite as long as any other Member; but he believed it was the usual practice, when it was intended to adjourn for more than one day, to make the motion before the commencement of the regular business.
§ Mr. Wakleysaid, as the noble Lord intended to stop till the close of the proceedings, it would not be at all inconvenient for him to make the motion at the end of the evening.
§ The Speakersaid, if the motion were not agreed to before five o'clock, hon. Members would be prevented from giving notices of motions for any day after the holidays.
§ Motion agreed to.
§ House at rising to adjourn to April 20.