§ Bills. Read a first time:—Indemnity; Turn pike Roads and Railways.—Read a second time:—South Australia.—Read a third time:—Tithes Recovery.
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. H. Smith, Mr. Burroughs, Mr. B. Gore, Mr. Gaily Knight, and others, from Essex, Shropshire, Nottinghamshire, and other places, for Church Extension.—By Mr. H. Smith, from Essex, against any further grant to Maynooth College.—By Lord Harrington, Mr. Langdale, from the Catholics of Liverpool, of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, and a place in Warwickshire, Mr. Grote, from Honiton, and Sir R. Peel, from the Guardians of the Stockbridge Union, for Alteration in the Poor-law Amendment Bill.—By Mr. Villiers, from six Parishes in Leicestershire, and by Mr. R. Stuart, from Scotland, for Repeal of the Corn-laws.—By Mr. T. Duncombe, from the Tower Hamlets Association, from Shoreditch, and from Manchester, for the Liberation of Prisoners for Political Offences, and of Messrs. Frost, Williams, and Jones, and for the adoption of the Charter.—By General Johnson, from Seaham, for the Release of Political Oflenders.—By Mr. Robert Stuart, and Mr. Elliot, from places in Scotland, for the Abolition of Church Patronage.