HC Deb 29 May 1840 vol 54 c709

Bills. Read a first time:—Marriage Act Amendment.—Read a second time:—Church Building. —Read a third time:—Indemnity.

Petitions presented. By Mr. M. Philips, from 20, 820 Females of Manchester, for the Total Repeal of the Corn-laws.—By Mr. Baines, from Bradford, by Mr. Busfeild, from persons engaged in the Coal Trade at Sunderland, by Mr. A. White, from persons employed in Manufactories in the county of Lancaster, by Mr. M. Philips, from several districts in the metropolis, and other places, by Mr. Villiers, Mr. Baines, Mr. Thornely, Mr. A. White, Mr. Brotherton, Mr. Ord, and others, from York, Bolton, Sunderland, and various other places, against Church Extension.—By Colonel Wood, Sir J. Y. Buller, Mr. W. Evans, and Mr. Codrington, from Gloucester, Isleworth, Derby, and various other places, for Church Extension. —By Mr. Lambton, from places in Durham, against the Ecclesiastical Duties and Revenues Bill.—By Mr. Thornely, from districts in the metropolis, against the Copyright Bill.—By Mr. Wakley, and Mr. Ingham, from Dalkeith, against the Intrusion of Ministers.—By Mr. Burroughs, from a Widow in Norfolk, complaining of the oppressive nature of the Poor-law Amendment Act.— By Mr. Aglionby, from Lanark, against severe punishment for Seditious Libels.—By Mr. Ewart, from Halifax, and by Mr. Protheroe, from the Chairman of a Public Meeting in that town, complaining of the severe treatment of Mr. O'Connor.—By Mr. Sergeant Jackson, from a place in Ireland, against the system of National Education.—By Mr. Turner, from places in Lancashire, against Church Rates.— By Colonel T. Wood, from the Owners and Occupiers of Orchards and Fruit Grounds at Isleworth, Fulham, Chelsea, and Kensington, complaining of the Reduction of the Duty on Foreign Fruit; and from South Mims, against any further Grant to Maynooth College.—By Mr. Kemble, from Camberwell, to the same effect.—By Lord Clements, from Mayo, against Lord Stanley's Irish Registration Bill.—By Mr. Tennant, from Glasgow, in favour of the Copyright of Design.— By Mr. Fellowes, from Postmasters in Huntingdon, for the Repeal of the Duty on Post-horses and Carriages.—By Mr. Sergeant Talfourd, from Reading, for the admission of Foreign Fruit at the present Duties.—By Mr. Chute, from Norwich, against part of the Poor-law Amendment Act. — By Colonel Sibthorp, from the Grocers of Lincoln, against Restrictions on the Importation of Sugar.—By Mr. Hume, from the Fishermen of Stonehaven, and Montrose, against part of the Fishing Convention between France and England; and from Arbroath, against the Post-horse Duty.—By Mr. Lucas, from Monaghan, in favour of Medical Reform.—By the Earl of Lincoln, from a Board of Guardians in Lincolnshire, against the Continuance of the Assistant Poor-law Commissioners.—By Mr. Goulburn, from 39,000 Inhabitants of Lower Canada, against the Union of the Canadas.