§ Petitions presented. By Mr. Easthope, from Grocers of Leicester, for measures to promote the supply of Free Labour Sugar; and from Congregations of Leicester, Loughborough, and many other places, against Church Rates, and Church Extension by Public Grant.— By Mr. Fleming, from Milton, Hampshire, against any further Grant for Maynooth.—By Mr. Busfeild, from various places in Yorkshire, for the Abolition of Church Rates.—By Mr. Muutz, from Birmingham, for the Equalisation of the Duty on Beer Licences.—By Mr. C. Dundas, from Flint, against Church Rates.—By Mr. T. Duncombe, from Dewesbury, for more humane treatment of Feargus O'Connor; from J. Thorogood, against Church Extension; and from an Individual of Yeovil, complaining of the Seizure of his Property for Church. Rates.