HC Deb 06 May 1840 vol 53 c1310

Bills. Read a second time:—Jury Cess (Ireland); Imprisonment for Debt.

Petitions presented. By Messrs. Villiers, Evans, Easthope, Brotherton, Hodges, C. Lushington, T. Duncombe, Hutt, Baines, Sir G. Grey, Sir T. Troubridge, and Lord Worsley, from an immense number of places, against, and by Lord G. Somerset, Sir R. H. Inglis, Lord Ashley, Sir W. Heathcote, Lord Stanley, Captain Elliot, Mr. Darby, Mr. R. Palmer. Mr. Bramston, and Mr. Kemble, from a great number of places, for, Church Extension.—By Mr. Kemble, Mr. Buck, Lord G. Somerset, Sir James Graham, and Lord Arthur Lennox, from a number of places, against the Grant to Maynooth College.—By Colonel Macnamara, Sir W. Somerville, Mr. Smith O'Brien, Lord Clements, Mr. Hume, Mr. A. Yates, Mr. Archdall, and Mr. O. Cave, from a very great number of places, against the Irish Registration Bill—By Messrs. Villiers, Hume, and Warburton, from a number of places, for the Total and Immediate Repeal of the Corn-laws.—By the Earl of Lincoln, from one place, for an Alteration in the Poor-law Act.—By Mr. Warburton, from Edinburgh, against the Copyright Bill.—By Mr. Colquhoun, from someplace, against the Post-horse Duties.—By Mr. Litton, from New Ross, and other places, against the Importation of Flour into Ireland,— By the Attorney-general, from Edinburgh, in favour of the Importation of Foreign Flour.—By Sir W. Heathcote, from Ryde, against the Rural Police Bill.—By Sir James Graham, from Glasgow, in favour of Non-Intrusion.—By Messrs. T. Duncombe, Hume, B. Wood, Thorneley, Captain Pechell, and Colonel Salwey, from a number of places, against Church Rates, and for the Release of John Thorogood.—By Captain Winnington, from two places, against the County Constabulary Bill.—By Mr. Buck, from Crediton, against the Rating of Workhouses Bill By Mr. Wakley, from Edinburgh, for Medical Reform.