§ Bills. Read a first time:—Mendicancy (Ireland).—Read a third time:—Tithe Commutation Act Amendment.
§ Petitions presented. By Messrs. E. Buller, Thornley, E. Ellice, A. White, Horsman, Greg, Heathcote, Wallace, Hume, Fenton, Sir B. Hall, Sir G. Strickland, and Colonels Salway, and Anson, from an Immense number of places, for, and by Messrs. A. Duncombe, Maunsell, T. D. Acland, Chute, and Darby, from several places, against the Total and Immediate Repeal of the Corn-laws.—By Sir James Graham, Messrs. T. D. Acland, A. Duncombe, Crampton, Darby, Macaulay, Chute, Dugdale, and Maunsell, from a great number of places, for Church Extension.—By Messrs. T. D. Acland, Dugdale, and Neeld, from several places, against any further Grant to May- 1257 nooth College.—By Messrs. C. Lushington, Baines, Hume, and Brocklehurst, and Sir B. Hall, from Leeds, Glasgow, Huntingdon, and other places, for the Release of John Thorogood, and the Abolition of Church Rates, and of the Jurisdiction of Ecclesiastical Courts.—By Messrs. G. Craig, E. Tennent, R. Steuart, Houston, and Sir James Graham, from a number of places, in favour of the Principle of Non-Intrusion.—By Mr. A. Duncombe, from East Retford, for the Reform of County Courts.—By Mr. Darby, from one place, against Parts of the Tithe Commutation Act.—By Mr. Wallace, and Mr. Hume, from three places, for Annual Parliaments, Universal Suffrage, and Vote by Ballot.—By Mr. T. Duncombe, from Finsbury, for a Free Pardon to Frost.—By Sir B. Hall, from Marylebone, and St. Pancras Parishes, for Permitting Sunday Baking.—By Sir E. Knatchbull, from a place in Kent, in favour of the Tithe Commutation Act—By Sir James Graham, from two places in Nova Scotia, against the Clergy Reserves Bill.