HC Deb 12 March 1840 vol 52 cc1157-8
Sir. J. Graham

said, be had reason to believe, that the commission which was appointed by the Governor-general of India in Council in 1838, had made a report with respect to the emigration of Hill Coolies. Was the noble Lord the Secretary for the Colonies cognizant of any such document?

Lord J. Russell

was quite aware of the appointment of the commissioners, but he had not received any report made by the commission, neither had his right hon. Friend, the President of the Board of Control.

Sir J. Graham

wished to know from the noble Lord opposite whether, in the absence of such a document, it was intended to reverse the decision prohibiting the emigration of Hill Coolies, or whether it was intended to suspend any further proceedings in reference to the subject until the next Session of Parliament.

Lord J. Russell

wished again to rise for the purpose of saying, that he should be very glad to produce the document sought for if he possessed it, provided he had any reason to think that it bore upon the subject to which the right hon. Baronet wished to call the attention of the House. He differed altogether from the right hon. Baronet as to its bearing on the case of the Hill Coolies, antecedently to the period at which the prohibition was issued. He must once more repeat, that he did not think the papers which the right hon. Baronet wished to see produced would affect the general question.

Lord Stanley

said, he understood that an act had passed the legislature of Demerara, regulating immigration to that colony. He observed that no papers relating to that subject had been laid upon the Table of the House, and he wished to know from the noble Lord opposite whether it was intended to produce them.

Lord J. Russell

replied, that an order had been sent by the legislature of Demerara which had been disallowed, and the papers explanatory of those proceedings had been laid upon the Table of the House. There had not been any order from the Government here forwarded to Demerara, but a sketch or draught of an order had been sent which, if published in Demerara, would, he had no doubt, prove satisfactory to the Government at home. As to the production of such documents, he believed it was very unusual.

Subject at an end.