HC Deb 02 March 1840 vol 52 c809

Bills. Read a first time:—Sale of Beer; Sewers; Settled Estates Drainage.

Petitions presented. By Mr. Alston, from Rayston, for the Release of John Thorogood, and the Abolition of Church Rates.—By Mr. Buck, from one place, against the Irish Corporation Bill.—By Mr. A. Holmes, and Mr. Plumptre, from Cowes, and Mr. Jones, from one place, against any further Grant to Maynooth College.—By Messrs. Halford, Hurt, Pringle, Barneby, Grey, Plumptre, Sir Robert Peel, Lord Stanley, Sir Thomas Freemantle, and Captain Alsager, from a number of places, for Church Extension.—By Mr. Hurt, from Belper, in favour of, and by Mr. Greg, from another place, against the Corn-laws By Mr. W. Patten, from Runcorn, in favour of Inland Warehousing.—By Mr. Langdale, from Catholics in Newtown Stewart, against their Children being compelled to learn the Protestant Catechism, or being expelled from the School.—By Colonel Verner, from one place, in favour of, and by Mr. O'Connell, from another, against the Sale of Spirits Bill.—By Mr. Plumptre, from various places, for the Repeal of the Catholic Emancipation Act; and against the Municipal Bill.