§ Bills. Read a first time:—Militia Ballots Suspension; Coal Duties (London); Militia Pay.—Read a second time:—Regency; Metropolis Improvement (No. 2).—Read a third time:—New South Wales and Van Dieman's Land; Sugar (Excise Duties); Slave Trade Treaties; Attorneys and Solicitors (Ireland); Loan Societies; Oyster Fisheries (Scotland).
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. Hume, from Leeds, in favour of the Ballot, Triennial Parliaments, and Extension of the Reform Bill.—By Mr. Hindley, from Medical Practitioners at Gateshead, for Medical Reform.—By Lord J. Stuart, from Steam-boat Proprietors of Glasgow, for a Reduction of the charges of Lighthouse and Pilotage Dues on Steam-boats.—By Mr. Wakley, from Inhabitants of Wakefield, against Severe Punishment for Political Offences.—By Mr. Easthope, from Attorneys and Solicitors of' Leicester, for the Removal of the Law Courts.—By Mr. Goulburn, from a place in Hertfordshire, against the Repeal of the Corn-laws.—By Mr. Baines, from Inhabitants of Leeds, against Encouragement of Idolatry in India.