§ Bills. Read a first time:—Church Discipline s Bribery Prevention.—Read a second time: —Joint Stock Banking Companies; West India Relief.
§ Petitions presented. By Mr. Loch, from places in Scotland, against Lord Aberdeen's Bill.—By Mr. Hastie, from Silk Weavers of Glasgow, against the Reduction of the Duty on Foreign Silk.— By Mr. Villiers, from Horsleydown, and other places, for the Repeal of the Corn-laws. —By Mr. Hume, from Kilwinning, for a Mitigation of the Punishment of Political Offenders.—Dy Sir D. Norreys, from Medical Practitioners in the South of Ireland, for Remuneration as Witnesses.—By Mr. Kemble, from the Congregation of St. Peter's Church, Walworth, in favour of Church Extension—By Mr. Colquhoun, from Port Glasgow, for a judicious system of Emigration to our Colonies.—By Sir R. Peel, from places in Scotland, in favour of Lord Aberdeen's Bill.—By Lord J. Russell, from Medical Practitioners at Stroud, for Medical Reform; and from Poor-law Unions, in favour of the Poor-law Amendment Act.