§ Petitions presented. By Sir Walter James, from the Covent Garden Society, in favour of the Copyright Bill.—By Sir R. Currie, from Northampton, against the War with China.—By Sir E. Wilmot, from Bury St. Edmund's, in favour of the Grammar Schools Bill,—By Sir G, Grey, from Glasgow, and Ayr, in favour of the Claims of the Scotch Church to partake of the Clergy Reserves (Canada).—By Mr. V. Smith, Mr. Ewart, Mr. C Lushington, and Mr. J. Parker, from several places, against, and by Sir W. James, Lord Cantilupe, General Lygon, Colonel T. Wood, and Mr. Gladstone, from a number of places, for, Church Extension.—By Mr. Pryme, from Sutton, for the Abolition of Ecclesiastical Courts, and of Church Rates, and the Release of John 1133 Thorogood.—By Mr. Sanford, from one place, in favour of the Grammar Schools Bill.—By Mr. Sergeant Talfourd, from several places, in favour of the Copyright Bill.—By Colonel Conolly, from a Board of Guardians, against the Power of the Poor-law Commissioners of Ireland—By Mr. F. Maule, from Elgin, and other places, in favour of Non-Intrusion; and from one place, against permitting Foreign Fishermen to Fish within nine leagues of our Coast.