§ Sir Eardley Wilmot, in moving the second reading of the Grammar Schools' Bill, said that it in no way interfered with, or altered the foundation of the grammar schools, or the objects of the founders; it was intended to carry out, enlarge, confirm, and improve the schools, so as to make them what the founders intended— useful means of affording education to the public. It was strange that with 430 grammar schools in the country, owing to the change in the times, &c, in some instances to neglect, but chiefly to the expense of appeals for proper regulations to the Court of Chancery, the schools should in many instances be useless, and the legacy of our forefathers thus flung away. The only purpose of this bill was to give a remedy to trustees of grammar schools, for the better application of the funds, at an expense of 30l;. or 50l., which they could not now obtain under 500l. or 1,000l. When they went into committee, many amendments would doubtless suggest themselves, but even as it stood, he thought the bill was as good a bill as could be adopted.
§ Bill read a second time.