HC Deb 10 April 1840 vol 53 c986

Bill. Read a third time:—Exchequer Bills.

Petitions presented. By Messrs. Greene, Darby, Clive, Sir R. Inglis, Lords Stanley, and Million, from a number of places, for, and by Messrs. Briscoe, P. Scrope, Pease, Divett, and A. White, from several places, against Church Extension.—By Lords Stanley, and Worsley, Sir F. Trench, and Mr. Fecor, from several places, against the Grant to Maynooth College.—By Sir R. H. Inglis, Sir J. Y. Buller, Mr. Estcourt, Lord Ashley, and Colonel Sibthorpe, from several places, against the Clergy Reserves Bill. By Mr. Chichester, from Barnstaple, for the Re peal of the Corn-laws.—By Mr. Byng, from the Market Gardeners of Middlesex, against Decreasing the Duty on Foreign Fruit.—By Mr. Pease, from Liverpool, against the Opium Trade.—By Mr. P. Scrope, from Stroud, and Lord Ashley, from one other place, against the Workhouses Exemption Bill.