HC Deb 25 March 1839 vol 46 c1179

Bill. Read a first time:—Preparation of Writs (Scotland); Heritable Securities (Scotland).—Read a second time:—Mutiny; Marine Mutiny.

Petitions presented. By Sir E. L. BULWER, from one place, against the Double and Treble Costs Bill—By Mr. BROADLEY, from the Board of Guardians of a Parish in the East Riding (York), against parts of the Poor-law Act.—By Sir MATTHEW WOOD, Mr. CLAY, and Mr. PATTISON, from six parishes in the City of London, against the Metropolitan Police Bill.—By Mr. LEADER, Mr. R. PALMER, Mr. A. WHITE, Sir R. FERGUSON, Mr. LOCH, Mr. VILLIERS, and Mr. ELLICE, jun., from a very great number of places, for a Uniform Penny Postage.—By Lord JAMES STUART, from Arran, Mr. BLAIR, from Wigton; Mr. LOCKHART, from Glasgow, Sir JAMES GRAHAM, from Glasgow, and. Sir GEORGE SINCLAIR, from several places, for Church Extension in Scotland.—By Mr. VILLIERS, from Wolverhampton, for the Repeal of the Corn-laws.—By Captain WOOD, from Staines, against any further Grant to Maynooth, College; also against the Beer-laws,—By Mr. PERCIVAL, from Sligo, against the Appointment of Lord Fortescue to the Lord-Lieutenancy of Irelend.—By Sir R. INGLIS, from a number of places, against the Ecclesiastical Duties and Revenues Bill; and for Church Extension in Canada.—By Mr. PAKINGTON, from some place, against the Beer-laws.—By Mr. SANFORD, from Wellington, for a comprehensive system of National Education—By the ATTORNEY-GENERAL, from Edinburgh, against any Tax on Steam-boats.—By Mr. PEASE, from Belfast, for the Repeal of the Stage Coach Act.—By Lord, ASHLEY, from Troubridge, for the Repeal of the Corn-laws.