§ Petitions presented. By Messrs. Pakington, Handley, Wodehouse, Byng, O. Gore, Halford, Bayley, Jones, Harcourt, Round, Chute, J. R. O. Gore, Mackenzie, Palmer, Miles, Bethell, S. O'Brien, Lords G. Somerset, Ingestrie, Mahon, Worsley, Stanley, Eliot, and C. Mariners, Sirs G. H. Smith, E. Knatchbull, R. Peel, T. Acland, and Colonel Sibthorp, against the Repeal of the Corn-laws.—By Messrs. R Steuart, Bowes, Langdale, and Hume, Sirs G. Strickland, and T. C. Style, for the Repeal of the Corn-laws.—By Sir R. Peel, from several places, against the Railways (Ireland) Bill; and from the Orkneys, for Church Extension in Scotland.—By Sir G. Clerke, from several places, to the same effect.—By Mr. W. Smith O'Brien, in favour of the Railways (Ireland) Bill.—By Mr. W. Roche, from Limerick, in favour of the Irish Municipal Corporations Bill.—By Mr. Pemberton, from the Dean and Chapter of Ripon, against any system of National Education not founded on the Scriptures.—By Mr. Mackenzie, from the county of Ross, for a Uniform rate of Postage.—By Mr. Byng, from one place, and Mr. Du Pré, from Buckinghamshire, against the Beer Laws.—By Mr. Praed, from some place, against Maynooth College.—By Mr. Plumtre, from one place, against the Municipal Corporations Bill.—By Mr. Dennistoun, from Glasgow, against any Grant to the Church of Scotland; and against the Union of Church and State.