HC Deb 05 March 1839 vol 45 c1291
Mr. Baines

said, that it was his intention to have brought under the consideration of the House the propriety of going into a Committee of the whole House, for the purpose of ascertaining how far the First Fruits and Tenths of the Church might be made available to the augmentation of the maintenance of the livings of the poor clergy. Bet his noble Friend, the Secretary of State for the Home Department having, since his notice was entered on the books, intimated his intention of appropriating 130,000l. a-year, under the Ecclesiastical Revenues Bill, from the cathedral revenues to that purpose, be rose to postpone his motion till he could ascertain more fully how this relief was to be afforded; and whether, under the altered circumstances, it might be necessary to make any modification in the plan that he had for three successive Sessions brought under the consideration of the House, and which had the last year been sanctioned by the favour of a considerable majority. Before the Easter recess, the plan of the noble Lord would be more fully developed, and he should then determine upon the course that he should pursue with regard to his object of making the first fruits and tenths to be paid by the prelates and dignitaries of the Church, as well as by the more highly beneficed clergy conducive to the better maintenance of those who had so long suffered from an inadequate reward for their spiritual labours.

Motion withdrawn.